Sunday, September 17, 2006


I am starting to think I should go to Nepal rather than England. After all, I have been to England and Scotland for that matter. But I have not been to Base Camp in Nepal. I have some Gurkha friends and could stay in Katmandu. Maybe I will change my plans. At the same time though, I haven’t been to Ireland and I want to go there as well. Bottom line is that I have no idea what I am going to do in about 10 days.

No matter though, because anything will be better than this place. Maybe I will stick with my original plans. After all, it is a lot easier to get from Ireland to Southampton than friggin Nepal to Southampton. But the draw of a 23000 foot trek is strong. I need some good time off and maybe the Himalayas are the right medicine. I would go to India and approach from the opposite direction but I am not a big fan of India. I would totally go there, but I would rather be in the Maldives than say, Delhi, and that is such a long flight.

Anyway, I am rambling. What do you guys think? UK or Nepal? Maybe Tibet, but that is nothing but Tuk-Tuks and crowds. I would rather go to Angkor-Wat in Cambodia than Tibet, depending on the spot. How did I shift from UK to Asia, I don’t know. The UK bores me I think. Yes there is cool stuff to see, but at the same time it is boring and snobby. Oh well, I need to experience it so I will probably go there. That way I can say I spent 3 weeks touring all of Great Britain and get a better feel of the place. If anyone starts talking politics I can always break out the dreaded “I am Canadian” card. That shuts most people up and prevents you from having to engage in political conversations.



Blogger Mike said...

Missouri's northern neighbor, Iowa, is nice, too.

But I'd pick Nepal, for sure. I lived around London for awhile. It was fun, but I've got to think Nepal would be nicer and much more relaxing.

Monday, September 18, 2006 at 4:27:00 PM GMT+4  
Blogger Walt said...

And cheaper.


I have been to Misery enough. No thanks, unless you can get me an all you can drink tour of the Bud factory.

Monday, September 18, 2006 at 4:34:00 PM GMT+4  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should definitely go to Nepal and trek the Himalayas.And you are right it is very cheap to travel there.
Plus things are starting to calm down. brother is also a gurkha but he was only stationed in Afghanistan.

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 at 12:17:00 AM GMT+3  

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